How much you could get a latency by region when you call a firebase cloud functions

Fredric Cliver
1 min readSep 10, 2020


from South Korea

1st try

London: 0.470947265625 ms
Iowa: 0.287841796875 ms
Hong Kong: 0.333984375 ms
Seoul: 0.30810546875 ms

2nd try

London: 0.330810546875 ms
Iowa: 0.237060546875 ms
Hong Kong: 0.23388671875 ms
Seoul: 0.227294921875 ms

I called a function from South Korea.
Yeah, I’m in a zone where are closer to Iowa, the USA than other sites. Even I’m in South Korea.

You don’t need to worry about to choose a region for your firebase cloud functions.




Weird Thing

When I tried to deploy asia-northeast3 function, I’ve faced this error.

functions: failed to create function seoul
HTTP Error: 403, Permission denied on 'locations/asia-northeast3' (or it may not exist).

And I cannot find my functions in my console, but this function still works.

You can check which Tier your region is included in.

And I tried to delete that function with CLI but, it doesn’t work

firebase-test> firebase functions:delete seoulError: The specified filters do not match any existing functions in project

So weird.

I posted this problem into StackOverflow


You can change your default region for your functions deploying.



Fredric Cliver

Majored in Physics, self-taught and worked in the IT industry as a Dev/Design/Planning for 11 years. And I had run my Startup for 3 years. I fancy a ☔️ 🇬🇧